Ancestor Ritual PainThis treatment stops unexpressed genetic weakness from being expressed. Eliminating genetic diseases if they have not been expressed...
Ancestral Power This treatment redirects your ancestral power, the power collected through your ancestral heritage, and helps to focus it...
Anger From Futures Past This treatment assists in healing anger and the cycles of anger. Anger is generated from past...
Balancing the Internal (5 Part) This 5 part treatment works to balance and harmonize the internal organs. Each exercise encourages...
Bamboo Roots This treatment assists ones in being grounded, present and focused in their higher purpose. This allows ones to...
Becoming the Mirror This treatment will assist one to become aware of the potential negative choices they could make and...
Bonding Intelligence (2 Part) This treatment works with the prefrontal cortex to bring forth an understanding of how lies have...
Your immune system is a very complex integrated circuit. It can be underactive or overactive, both causing health issues. There is a...
Brain Passion is a clearing treatment as well as a treatment to assist in one creating new patterns. This clears...
This treatment prevents damage to the brain when under large amounts of stress over a long period of time. It...
This treatment balances the Adrenalin and Cortisol reaction within your brain and adrenal glands, assisting the body by returning it to...
This treatment assists you with deficiency on a cellular level by encouraging the exchange of fluid and nutrients throughout the...
Cellular Confusion This treatment works with the immune system on a cellular level when cells begin to mutate. (2 Part...
This treatment helps the cells to maintain integrity. As we age sometimes the cells can be misaligned, weak or prone...
A treatment for children to assist them with their own inner knowingness and to release the energy they have taken...
A treatment specifically to help children heal by helping them release the energy they have taken on that is not...
This treatment shifts the circulation out of old patterns for cleaner flow within the Intestine, Lymphatic, Digestive and Circulatory Systems....
Cord Removal Treatment This treatment removes cords that are connected into your energy field often alleviating negative emotions, thoughts and...
This treatment helps recover ancient memories. It opens the channel between the mental body and brain to bring energy to...
This exercise brings to the surface dark emotions. Dark not in terms of bad but simply emotions that never surface....
When a relationship dies a part of you dies. Learn which part and how to heal it. This treatment is...
How many times do we die subtle deaths before our physical death? How many parts of your emotional, mental, and...
Hit the wall, bounce off and do it again; This treatment allows Wisdom to be used to navigate the wall you run into...
Creates a detox within the body and releases patterns that hold those toxins in the body on an unconscious levels....
There is a strong connection between the gut and the brain.This helps to clear the energy in the brain and...
This treatment works to cleanse the blood from foreign materials and impurities and assist in healing issues with dis-ease in...
This treatment creates a clearing and balancing energy throughout the meridian system of all the bodies allowing energy to flow...
Dis-Eased Reproductive Organs This treatment works with the issues of the physical reproductive organs and sexual hormones for males and...
Dying with Dignity This treatments brings up what the most important core learning for your life is. This learning may...
Earth Root Good for individuals experiencing lower back issues. Extremely beneficial when used in tandem with other modalities such as Chiropractic or Massage that are focused on the lower back. This...
This treatment seals off artificial pathways which then seals off emotional abuse by myself, individuals, group, governments, religions. This treatment...
This treatment assists with even the most successful excuses by bringing awareness to what they are and how subtly you...
The body is full of warning systems. But because of improper diets, long periods of depression and/or anger, the warning...
Reveals how you created a false identity even if you don’t remember how it was created. Then assists in revealing...
This exercise resets the firing of the brain to allow it to properly process information from the mind. When the...
Frequently Asked Question about Cords Common questions about Cords Why do I have a cord? You have a weak point...
Garden of Life: Blood This treatment energizes the bodies natural mechanisms to filter the blood and supports the detoxifications of the...
Genetic Strings This treatment awakens and brings awareness to your genetic connections. It bring awareness to the internal conflict that...
This treatment helps to differentiate what is self and what is the influence of another group of people. We live...
Healing the Bastard Healing the Bastard is for one who has experienced physical, mental, emotional, mental or spiritual rejection from...
This treatment assists in relieving anxiety, grief and guilt in the emotional body and is for ones who take emotional responsibility for...
This treatment helps to treat ones who actually have hyperactivity. This is not for ones who are misdiagnosed with hyperactivity....
Intestine Brain Oracle This treatment awakens the intelligence of the intestinal system, also known as the enteric nervous system, to...
Link of Destruction (3 Part) A Link is similar to a microchip that is connects in the Cerebellum and moves...
Liver Purge This treatment Purges and Detoxifies the Liver of Toxins both Physically and Energetically and Helps to Stop Attracting...
Love Obstruction This heals the pain from spiritually immature relationships that did not end in a loving manner. This applies...
This treatment removes alien implants and assists in the trauma accompanied by interactions with aliens whether being directly abducted or...
This Treatment helps to relieve internal mental stress. Afterwards this is generally a peaceful feeling treatment. What is Mental Stress?...
Metal Toxicity Treatment purges and detoxes the body of Heavy Metals. Heavy Metal toxicity is one the of the strongest...
The Missing Father Treatment is if you did not have a father, or a father figure, in your life. Whether...
The Missing Mother Treatment is for anyone that feels they did not receive nourishment from the mother energy. Even if...
This treatment creates a peace between the inner brain and the outer brain allowing for a deeper expression of powerful...
Prime Minister (Lungs) Cleanse This treatment cleanses the lungs specifically the lower lobes of the lungs. This treatment pushes energy...
Quarter Moon Tea A treatment that builds the energy of the emotional body to create emotional stability before or after...
Radiant Death This treatment works to detox and build resistance to radiation. For small amounts of exposure this radiation detox...
Repowering the Core A treatment to reinvigorate your passion after you lost it. This is for you if you had...
Restoration of the Delicate Organ (Lungs) (2 Part) This treatment works at deeply harmonizing and healing the lungs. The lungs...
Restoring the Wick A treatment to assist ones who have forgotten how to hold passion. What This Treatment Does This...
Sealing the Wound of (Self) Deception This treatment assists in healing the wounds created in the etherical heart caused by...
Stress Gene Syndrome This treatment works with inherited and over expressed stress genes within the physical body leading to an...
Stress of Death (2 Parts) This treatment assist with the Symptoms of PTSD. PTSD is common for people that have...
Sugar Dragon This is for those who carry addiction to sugar, self deception, and addiction to deflecting assistance. One could...
The Age of Innocence This treatment opens channels in the brain to remember a time when you were full of...
The Door of Light (2 Parts) The door of light is a treatment that opens the door of light internally...
This treatment helps to distinguish between love and guilt which is the greatest inhibitor of love. This works on an...
This treatment works with assisting one to know self, meaning the inner self as to the clarity of messages ones...
Cleanses and detoxes the weakest point within the body that attracts toxic energies. Can also assist with auto-immune disorders. This treatment...
As a Counselor and Tai Yi Practitioner Nick has over 10 years of experience addressing mental health and emotional well-being using holistic modalities.
Only 1 of 40 Tai Yi practitioners in the world his approach is unique, holistic and powerful.